To be fair though - we DO do OK at the vege garden thing! Good, fresh food rates way up there for us. Darling man does the lawns about as regularly as I sweep and vacuum the floor - regularly enough! Every now and then we have a major cull of plants that have grown too large for a town garden which consists of backing up the car, hooking the plants to a sturdy tow rope and wrenching the prickly sods out and replanting some of the smaller shots ...
As I was perusing the garden scene recently I noticed that Pete's Mum's pot plant, well one that came from her place... was looking rather dashing. Quite by chance mind you! So I promptly co-opted it for the 'centrepiece' of our new garden table. This inspired me and prompted me to make a plan to get things a bit sorted.....
Didn't we have some fabulous gardening weather over Labour Weekend? We managed 3 very enjoyable half days in our back garden. Darling Man did a satisfactory amount of bonding with his chainsaw, despite a bad shoulder... leveled a dead old tree to the ground and sorted out the firewood stack all ready for new wood to be added. And I weeded and tided and pottered with pots and plants to my hearts content... ending the weekend with the garden looking pleasing enough for me to continue on a more regular basis in the future. I can't wait to get back out there once some inside jobs are up to date!
Our humble back garden is a nice place for us to 'be', it's sunny, reasonably private but it still has a 'neighborly feel' - we enjoy this little outdoor space. We had our lunch out there at the weekend and it's also somewhere we have enjoyed having an evening drink and nibbles with our neighbor. I hope we spend even more time out there over summer - both in tending the garden and in sitting and relaxing. It's all pleasant and enjoyable!