18 February 2009. Today I made Tomato Relish! Quite momentous for me - my first attempt at 'preserves'. Although my Darling Man and I did bottle some beetroot out of our garden a few months ago. He really likes beetroot and cheese sandwiches.
To prepare myself to 'do something' with the mounting pile of tomatoes for our garden - I read up every recipe for tomato relish in my possession. Deciding it all looked quite manageable I set about making a combination of three of the most appealing and workable recipes. It seems to have turned out rather tasty. The big test will be when my Darling Man comes home and slops some on a cracker and cheese. I was rather heavy-handed with the mustard, curry powder and cayenne pepper so it is quite a 'perky' brew! He will like that. On the jars I have slapped some of the cute 'Cecily' labels that Dean & Erica gave me for Christmas.

Re-reading what I wrote last year confirms to me that we ARE having such a different tomato season this year. Last year we had a 'mounting pile' - this year I am counting to see if I have enough for the recipe... that is after we've eaten some fresh in salads and on crackers and sandwiches!
Sharon's Version of Tomato Relish
12 medium tomatoes
6 onions
600mls malt vinegar
500gms sugar
1 Tblspn salt
1/2 Tblspn mustard powder
1/2 Tblspn curry powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
crushed garlic to taste
Cut up tomatoes and onions, cover with vinegar and stand for one hour. Bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes. Then add all other ingredients. Stir well and boil for one hour. Stir occasionally. Thicken with 3 Tblspns of flour mixed to a paste with some vinegar. Bottle and seal.