Kumara and Orange Cake with toffee-ed orange on top for morning tea at Russell.

Kumara Companies - 'Kaipara Kumara' at Ruawai.

Funny fences - some covered in hubcaps, others embedded with old bicycles, or draped with goatskins, many weathered, mossy and windswept. A few fallen over allowing traffic-wise stock to graze the roadside. AND heavenly hibiscus hedges!

Lots of wee churches - evidence of the early mission efforts in NZ.

The biggest and oldest Kauri tree - Tane Mahuta - in a very misty Waipoua Forest. It's said to have been around since the time Jesus walked the earth!

Breath-taking-ly beautiful Hokianga Harbour... drive up over the hill and woh what a view!!!!

Massive Te Paki Giant Sand Dunes....

Watching the sun set at Cape Reinga - the Top of New Zealand!

Meeting some real characters - this beautiful, old, solid Kauri boat was home to an old sea dog and his wife who hand-knits jerseys to sell to save money so she can visit her sisters in England!

A good trade at Houhora - the use of our fishing line for a tray of free-range eggs - great for our cook-in-one-pan-big-breakfasts!

Fancy Toilets - in Kawakawa - the amazing work of the late Frederick Hundertwasser. And immaculately CLEAN to boot!

The winter-less North - one of the few places in NZ where knitting a chunky woolen cardy seemed ridiculous! However now that we are home again from our lovely Northland camping holiday I'm glad I kept at it because I don't think it will be too long before I will need it!