Little by little I am getting my extra home jobs done - that's the only way to approach it when you work full time outside the home and opportunities for domestic affairs are limited! Last weekend I cleaned my stove and oven which was honestly a little overdue - now I am beaming with virtuous-ness every time I sweep by it and glance over its gleam-y surface!
Last weekend a girlfriend and I went and saw the movie 'The Kings Speech' I was inspired by his patience and persistence as he overcame the challenge of his stutter and eventually embraced the kingship - something I am sure he would never have thought he could do at one time of day. I really like movies that are based on a true story.
Finally - little by little my confidence to ride pillion on the back of our motorbike is growing... Darling Man has been so lovely and patient and encouraging to me. I have surprised myself realizing now how much I enjoy it! We had some great little jaunts last weekend and I find that one seems to see so much more from that viewpoint. I saw this amazing letterbox that was all done in mosaics - it would certainly have taken some time and patience to put all those little pieces in place. I want to have a go at that. My sister who lives in France sent me these 'naked' plaster of Paris hearts that are begging for it - I WILL mosaic them in the colours of Oyes one day.
One final 'finally' - I spent a good deal of time un-picking my knitting and little by little getting it back on an even keel but that's another story - do you think there is such a word as 'un-knitting'? And what is it that you are doing 'little by little'?