Friday, August 21, 2009


Recently we attended my Auntie's 70th birthday party. It was a lovely evening. We especially enjoyed seeing my cousins, some of whom I hadn't caught up with for ages. We talked and laughed and shared about our kids and our joys and sorrows...
Of course we determined that we wouldn't leave it so long before we saw each other again!
Sadly, it usually ends up being at funerals where we see each other. Much nicer to gather for happier celebrations!

The birthday invitation insisted on NO presents which I struggled with because I love giving gifts. However my Auntie has lots of lovely things so I decided to do as I was told and NOT buy a present. Instead, inspired by my Mum's card-making skills, I had this idea to make her a birthday card out of an old family photo of her and my Dad's family when they were all young. A bit of photocopying of some gorgeous old fabric, a stitch or two and a little glue and I managed to satisfy my desire to GIVE.
Auntie was chuffed!

She was also able to help me with remembering some details of a family holiday I shared with them when I was a child - great material to include in my memoirs. She filled in some gaps. Auntie also has photos!
Families are special and our older family members are a rich source of inspiration as well as interesting stories of days gone by. Just as our younger ones are a lively source of enthusiasm and hope for the future!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon what a lovely thing to put in your blog, we loved the card and thought that it was fantastic, all though i did not get to speak to you much Aron and i need to make the effort to come and see you all we are only 20 mins away! thanks for the beautiful photos which all are perfect! you are wonderful all my love Delwyn


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