Monday, November 23, 2009

Cosy Christmas Love

You have to get organised if you want your Christmas love gifts to reach the other side of the world in time for Christmas Day without it costing the earth for postage! I have just posted off some cosy Christmas love because my nieces live so far away that it is cold and (if they are lucky) snowing at their house at Christmas time.

I noticed when we stayed there they had a cubby-hole dedicated to Hotties, all covered in a range of cheerful fabrics and yarns... so I thought a couple of new ones might perk up their collection...
I imagine that the darling girls may spend at least some of their holiday time cosy-ed up with a book. A hottie might be in order for such delicious Christmas relaxation.

I love knitting hottie covers for their 'micro-project-ness' making them quick and easy to complete. They're also a perfect opportunity for a colour and texture adventure. I hunt the bargain bins in every wool shop I come across - which seems rarer and rarer these days - for 'odd' balls of wool. In my hands they may well end up incorporated into a cheerful hottie cover - eventually giving some beloved soul a good old fashioned dose of cosy-ness! I mix chunky, multi-colored yarns with plain, perky brights and downy, fluffy mohair's then have heaps of fun signing the project off with a dashing ribbon.

I know it takes precious time but I think hand-made gifts are quite special - all the more so for the gift of time that goes into lovingly crafting something whether that be stitching or baking or.... whatever your hands find to make that is your special thing you can share with someone you love at Christmas! It's a bit of an antidote for the commercialism of Christmas too don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. I just love your hottie cover!!! Not only is it cheerful it really does look cosy. Im sure your nieces will ust love it. helen


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