Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cosy - ness

One of the scrummiest of cosy experiences I had recently was when we turned up at a family dinner. The kitchen was warm and buzzing with Davieth's Mum Maartje making home-made pizza. It was her adult son's choice for his birthday dinner. Dough and flour and toppings and cheese all over the table - guests crammed in a snuggling space, gorgeous foody/winey smells and everyone talking at once. The cat and darling doggy adding their own havoc to the domestic scene. Lots of light and love and laughs and hugs and... well - heart-warming cosy-ness!
Another kind of cosy-ness is a hot water bottle on a cold night OR day for that matter. I enjoy working with colours when I am knitting. I'm not so good with patterns - I seem to get myself into a tangle and end up with the wrong number of stitches which then makes it difficult to proceed! Texture in wool doesn't seem to please me the same way that colour does! I also love that hotty covers are so 'old-school' and that brings its own comfort.
They are really fun to knit and quite easy for a beginner. Paton's Book 2108 'The Big Book of Small Projects has all sorts of hottie cover patterns along with many other knitted things. Buy online or even better, go to your local wool shop and enjoy a browse and the delicious anticipation of creating something cosy with needles and yarn!

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