Thursday, April 8, 2010

Winter Stores

We have happily allowed the pumpkins to completely take over our garden in recent weeks - even at the expense of some of the other plants. We didn't mind at all - partly because it gave a us a little reprieve from the constant-ness of gardening AND we know these big, blue babies are gonna keep us in soup and roast veges well into the winter months.

Easter Weekend Saturday saw us all busy in the garden again. Firstly harvesting the pumpkins.... then we decided to clean out the garden shed so that we had a high, dry shelf to store them. It's amazing how one job leads to another. My Darling Man is quite delighted with his now, nice tidy shed and clear work-bench! The garden now cleared of pumpkins we were able to sort out the rambling tomatoes - staking them for their 'final hurrah' before the frost hits AND lots of weeding and digging to make space to plant some perky new winter veges!


  1. We have had the same thing except we can;t store them in the shed as Ron thinks the mice might get them. So on my bench (untill I can find a better spot is 4 huge pumpkins, some I have given away. Can't wait till the weather cools for some Pumkin Soup...tried to make Gnocchi with some last night but didn't quite work.

  2. Pumpkin is awesome stuff. So many uses.
    Is a comfort food me thinks :)

    I just love veges ! and pumpkin is one of my faves. Del M


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